I am very happy that our travel home went smoothly. As most of you know, we have a one year old German Shepard named Nutmeg. We have had quite the headache of dealing with an infestation of ticks from our house and yard in Grenada. It was decided that we needed to get Nutmeg out of that yard and get these ticks under control. So, we knew we had to bring her home with us for the summer. The airlines do not allow animals below the plane after a certain time of the year. Basically, the beginning of May through August or September sometime. It's just too hot. Therefore!! Nutmeg had to ride with us inside the plane. There we are, bright and early showing up at the airport, six bags, one dog, and baby. Yes, we were quite the show. ;) Thankfully Matt's aunt had helped us buy our tickets home and we were able to get *first class seats*!!!!! Lemme tell ya, it was soooooooooo nice. ;) We were seated in the first row of seats and therefore had a ton of room. Before we left, it was arranged that I would take care of E and Matt would take care of Nutmeg. Everything went absolutely smoothly!! I was a bit nervous of how E would do with take off and landing so I had planned on having a bottle ready in those moments. However!!! I didn't even need them!! She did great. She passed out right before we took off from Grenada, was awake some during the flight, then took another nap and woke up right before we landed in Miami. The pressure change didn't seem to bother her even when I was swallowing to pop my own ears. :) Everyone on the plane commented how well she and Nutmeg did. Both flights were just like this. Not a problem!! It was a llllllllooooooonnnnnnngggggg day but well worth our arrival.
When we walked off the plan in Raleigh, I had the biggest smile on my face!! We came around the corner where we were meeting everyone and was surprised with a big sign that our *awesome* small group had made welcoming E to the US. It was fabulous. E met her Pop Pop (Matt's dad) for the first time. He was absolutely delighted to see her. :) From Raleigh to Wilmington is about 2-2.5 hours. THAT was the longest part of our journey!!! I couldn't wait to get to Wilmington!! We had been up since 4:30 that morning and arrived at my parents house at 1:30 Sunday morning. Like I said, long day. Haha.
So, since we've arrived, it's been introductions and dinners, dinners and introductions. It's so good to see our friends again and catch up on the last 10 months. Although the time has passed, it seems like we've been able to pick up right where we left. Of course kids are graduating, summer is here again, birthdays have come and gone, but all in all, our relationships have picked up right where we left off. Matt and I have had to get used to having A/C all the time now. I know that sounds funny but it's so true!! We are used to only having it at night and then hanging around in our bathing suits the rest of the day. It's actually nice to have to get up a little bit earlier to take a *hot* shower and get yourself ready to go somewhere. Don't worry, Matt still hangs around the house without a shirt on. ;-p I'm not sure we will ever be able to break him of that. I have a feeling E will some how pick up this habit. Oh wait!!! She already hangs out in only a diaper!!! Hahaha!!!
That's basically been our first week home and E's first week in the US. There are lots of things planned for this summer so I will do my best to keep you updated on our adventures. :)
A hui kaua.....