The summer of 2010, I had just moved home from Jackson, MS, where I had been attending college at Belhaven University. I had graduated in December of 2009 but stayed in Jackson for an extra semester. For some time, I had allowed my heart to be thrown around by too many people, boys to be exact. On a Friday night at the end of June, I attended a women's retreat that a friend of mine was coordinating. She had asked me to dance at the beginning and I was happy to do so. I had not planned on staying for any other part of it but something kept me there. As several different ladies got up to speak, I knew why I stayed. There was a
*huge* part of my heart that needed healing and being there that night was the push in the right direction. I had gone up for prayer at the end and could barely speak I was crying so much. Here I was, graduate from college with a dance degree, no idea what I was suppose to do with it, and broken in a thousand pieces. As I was prayed for, I heard a quiet whisper in my spirit. The Lord was asking me for one year. One year to date Him. One year to trust Him and rely on Him for what I didn't understand. I knew this was what I needed.
The next few months were anything BUT easy. I broke off a relationship I was in and walked away thinking that I had lost my entire future. Little did I know that there was a guy who had noticed me in church and had begun asking around about me. My heart and mind were not interested in seeking out someone. I didn't care if it took another five years before I was married, I didn't want anything to do with a relationship!!! About the time I had completely given over
ALL control to the Lord, He decided to throw a curve ball at me. One Sunday morning, I was standing in church as worship started. Movement a few rows ahead of me caught my eye. I noticed a guy dressed
very nicely in a bright green shirt and black dress pants (Side note, this type of attire stuck out at me because our church is not one where you *must* dress up to attend. It's very open to any type of dress.). About the time I was noticing the awesome color of the shirt (green is my favorite color....) I heard the Lord speak to me as if He was standing right beside me. He said, "Just wait, that's the one." I busted out laughing. I mean, laughing that makes people turn their heads because it's not the time for such laughter!! My friend Kaitlyn was right next to me and asked if I was ok. I tried to compose myself but again, I heard the Lord say much louder, "Jo, just wait. That is the one." I could barely contain myself. I laughed so hard and told God, "You're SO funny!!! Because THAT'S not happening!!!!" Boy oh boy, God's ways are always the best. ;) A month later, Katherine, a friend of ours, introduced us.
I officially met/was introduced to Matthew Mizesko on October 10th, 2010. That afternoon, Matt found me on Facebook and asked me out to dinner that night. That entire month was rather difficult for me because I couldn't understand why he wanted to be with me. I told him the things I had gone thru with other guys and how I was not interested in another relationship. So, he waited. He was patient. He never pushed me. I prayed a lot that month. I sought God's face more times than I can remember. I couldn't understand why this
*perfect* guy was stepping into my life NOW!! The Lord asked for a year. I was giving Him a year!!! What was going on?!?!!! The Lord was preparing my heart for what He had planned. He needed to separate me from who I thought I was and how much I thought I was worth so He could show me who HE thought I was and how much HE thought I was worth.
Matt and I started dating the end of October and we were engaged February 14, 2011 (You can read our engagement story
here.). We got married October 14 of that year and six months later, we found out we were pregnant. A few days later, Matt also got his acceptance letter into SGU. Needless to say, we had
*a lot* of information to share with our families all at once. By August of 2012, we were living in Grenada, West Indies. Our first child, Elora Selah, was born November 25, 2012. Because she was born in Grenada and we are US citizens, she is a dual citizen of both countries. My little Grenadian souvenir!! :)
Thinking back on where we were and where we are now certainly makes me think that everything happened so fast. That's when I stop and am reminded of how much higher God's ways are than ours. He asked me to trust Him. He asked for a year. Within that year, He captured my heart and gave me someone who would cherish it. Today, He is continually showing me that and so much more. Matt is, too. :)
"I have found the one my heart loves."
~ Song of Solomon 3:4 ~
"You have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes."
~ Song of Solomon 4:9 ~
*When we started dating.* |
*Our engagement pictures.* |
*The big day.* |
*Party* |
*New way of life.* |
*When our lives changed forever.* |
*Elora Selah Mizesko* |
*Maternity shoot* |
*One year later* |
*My little happy family.* |
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