Saturday, April 6, 2013

I'M BAAAAACK!!!!! (Hopefully...)

Hello one and al!! It has certainly been a few months since my last post. I know that is such a cliche sentence but alas, I've been a bit caught up with life here in the Caribbean. I won't give you a long story of the past six months (unless of course that's what you're looking for ha) but I will give you some details of where we are right now.

First off, thanks to my friend Kim Brewer my blog has a bit of a "face lift"!! :) I'm pretty excited about it. This whole blog thing can be rather daunting when you don't know or understand how to keep it fresh and updated. Thanks to Kim, I now understand ways to change and add things on here. Let's hope I can keep it updated. :)

Second, we leave for Wilmington in 49 DAYS!!!! I am SO ready to be home!! It's beautiful here, of course, but we have not been home since we got here the end of July. That's a REALLY long time (in case you were confused)!! Anyways, we fly out of Grenada bright and early at 8:30AM on May 25 (Elora will be six months old that day. :)) I know I know, 8:30 is not that early. The time that we will have to be up and out of the house IS early!! But, it will TOTALLY be worth it. ;) We fly from here to Miami, where we have a layover for about five hours I think. That's not too bad seeing as we have to go through customs once we get there. And going through customs with a baby and dog might take some time. :) We fly into Raleigh, NC, at 8:30 that evening (I believe....)!!!!!! Oh how sweet it's going to be!!!!!! I have been counting down the days (as you can see from the first sentence) and I'm ready to be home!!! :)

Third, as many of you know, Matt has been talking about transferring to NC State for the next three years. There are always pros and cons to every situation and we have weighed them both. I am at the point that I am ok with wherever the Lord places us. I know and have a peace He will plant us where we can grow. Thankfully, at the end of this month, State will be able to tell Matt if there's a spot for him to apply for. If there's not, then there is no point in applying and we will return here. In case that happens, we have been house hunting. Because we were so unsure, we had to let our landlords know that we might not be back and we found tenants to take our spot in this house. Living with constant uncertainty of what the future may hold is very stressful. However, when we live under the peace the Holy Spirit brings us, the future isn't so daunting. Since moving here, I'm learning what that peace looks like and means to me personally.

In other happy news, Elora is growing right along!! :) Of course. We have struggled with finding a pediatrician we like. I am very thankful we found one downtown. Her name is Dr. Nelson and I about cried the first time I met her. Her attention to Elora was fantastic and she talked TO me, not AT me. I felt comfortable asking questions and interacting with her. She didn't make me feel like we were waisting her time. If we come back, I'll be happy to return to her. :)
E has started having her own little personality. She smiles and giggles at us and gets excited when she hears us talking to her. Matt picks on her a lot because she's been losing her hair. Poor girl. It's ok, it will grow back. :) My friends have become her "aunties" around here. It makes me happy to have so many people that I trust to watch E. Because not many people are as crazy as I am (who has babies out of the country?!?!), they are all getting their baby fix from us so they don't have to have their own right now. ;) Makes me chuckle actually.

SO!! That's an update in a nut shell!! :) We can't wait to be home. Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare to leave and maybe come back.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12

A hui kaua....  

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