Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Crazy Caribbean Relative

Everyone has that crazy relative in their family. Be it your uncle, aunt, cousin, mom, dad, etc. there's always that ONE person who is just a bit quirkier than the rest of your crazy clan. I've had an epiphany about Grenada. (I sure hope you're ready for this. Are you sitting down???)

Grenada is the crazy relative of the Caribbean.

True statement right there. (And if you don't believe me, you should just come visit me and see.) 

Do let me explain my epiphany. Around here when things go a bit wacky, most people refer to them as "TIG moments." TIG = This Is Grenada. I have fondly adapted my own saying, of course not neglecting the previous one already in place. Mine is "Thank YOU Grenada." This saying started some time ago for this "crazy Caribbean relative." I can't give you an exact moment. Perhaps it was when the mice found their way into my home on a constant basis (that is still not cleared up.....). Or maybe it was the first time I realized how many people tie their livestock up on the side of the road. Even better!! Perhaps when said livestock gets loose and roams around the busy streets!! Who knows exactly when "Thank YOU Grenada" came into play but I can assure you that there have been PLENTY of moments for that to be said. (Side note, I'm fairly certain I could have a total separate blog just for TIG/TYG moments. Oh wait....then nobody would EVER come visit me!!!)

Just recently I've had my latest TYG moment. On Tuesdays and Thursdays there is a yoga class that I *try* to attend at my local gym. It is an 8AM class which sometimes makes it hard for me to get to. (No, I am not a morning person and yes that does add to not going on a regular basis but one of the reasons is if I have someone to watch E for me for that hour. The biggest reason could possibly always fall on if my car is cooperating.) Matt was graciously staying home to watch E so I didn't have to get her ready to go some place else which gave me an extra 15 minutes to sleep. At 7:09 Tuesday morning my alarm goes off as planned. I of course hit the snooze button and get up about 7:30. Throw on my clothes, get my water and yoga mat, grab the keys and I'm out the door. I notice that it has rained the night before (Hallelujah!!!!) and I'm a bit nervous. I start my car and of course, my nervousness is for good reason. My car won't start. I figure it's going to take a few minutes to coax the car into starting. Eventually it does and I'm off to turn around at the end of our street. As I'm coming back by our house, I hear a rather familiar noise.......a *thump thump thump* noise........a noise I've heard TOO many times in the past six weeks (we've had 4 flats in the past six weeks).........a noise that makes me stop and look at the tire...........
The tire is low......
Now, I could have gone straight to the gas station to get some air in it and then head to class. The problem with that is that I have sat in the car for 10 minutes trying to get it to start that now I only have exactly 5 minutes to get to the gym before I will be "THAT" person stumbling over the already "clearing their minds" students. I'm a bit frustrated and just park the car instead. I'm rather glad that I did because Matt takes the car to get air in it and as soon as he gets home, the tire is completely flat. Awesome. 

The guy that hit us (his names is Musa) has taken our car to a mechanic that has "supposedly" been fixing the car. There are several things that need fixing outside of the damage. Since the accident, I have been very worried about trusting him to take care of the things needing to be fixed and, well, for obvious reasons. Musa comes to help us with the tire and finds this. 
I'm completely baffled because I have no idea how that could happen!! It was pretty crazy. TYG. I figured that would be all the TYG moments I'd have for the day but boy was I wrong....

That evening I got together with my friends Jessica and Nicole. Jess picked me up and we go over to Nicoles for a little while. Around 9PM we were headed home. As we were driving down the road, I notice a car that has stopped in the middle of the street and turned its lights off. I kind of chuckle and a say, "Ha, that car just........" I stop because I realized that "that car" was MY car!!!!!!!!! Sure enough, we get right past it and Jess stops. Of course its my car!!! E's seat in the back, crunched trunk, the whole nine yards!!! The mechanic has taken MY car out for a joy ride at 9PM!!!!!! Again, baffled. Now, I can understand taking the car *during business hours* to check on things while driving. This test drive would of course take place *around the place of business.* The mechanics shop is in Woburn which is about 20 minutes away from where we currently were. Not cool dude, not cool. So, Jess backs up just a little bit and asks the guy what he's doing. The conversation went a little like this. 

Jess - Hey, what are you doing?
Guy - *no response*
Jess - Hello, what are you doing?
Guy - *dear in head lights look*
Jess and Me - Excuse me, what are you doing?!?!!
Guy - Oh um..hi. I'm the mechanic. 
*Jess looks at me. I'm trying to figure out what is going on.*
Jess - Ok, well why are you driving her car?? That's her *pointing at me* car!!
Guy - Oh, yes yes. Hi!! I'm the mechanic. Hi!! *Waving at me as if he knows me. I've never met this guy....*
*By this point, I'm a bit nervous because I have no idea what's going on. I have E in my lap, its 9PM, a strange guy is driving MY car, and he's not giving me a reason to really trust him.* 
Jess - Ok, well that's great but maybe you need to take the car back to where you are working on it. 
*I'm a bit scared as to how this could play out. Two girls yelling at this guy who's driving MY car. I just don't know what to do.*
Me - That's my car dude. I don't know what you're doing. Let's just go Jess. I don't know what to do......

As we drive away, I'm trying to wrap my brain around WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!?!!!!! I'm sure you're wondering why we didn't just get the car back from him then. We were two girls and a baby on a dark street trying to not argue, but certainly arguing, with this local Grenadian. I was scared and didn't think getting in the guys face was probably my smartest move. If I did not have E with me, I would have certainly jumped out of the car and demanded for my keys since *obviously* he's fixed the car. We get home and Matt immediately calls Musa to tell him the situation. I guess Musa calls the mechanic because we got our car back yesterday. Who knows if it's actually fixed tho!!! I'm sure praying that it is. We will DEFINITELY NOT be taking our car back to that guy!!! Grenada is the crazy relative of the Caribbean. I totally believe that. Thank YOU Grenada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I would like to add some great news. As I'm posting this, we have *EXACTLY* 30 DAYS till we come home!!!!! The excitement is almost too much to handle!!!!! :)

A hui kaua......

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