Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Daniel Fast - Day 10...I think

Just wanted to share a song that has been stuck in my head all day. We sang it yesterday and I've just been singing it all day. I love what this song says. This is a live version of this song with Shane and Shane and Bethany Dillion but I liked the mix of the three of these singing together. Rest and enjoy this song. Let it flow over you as you listen. Meditate on the words and let it speak to you. I pray it not be just words and a good song but something that truly penetrates deep to you heart. Someone once asked me what dancing meant to me and how it went with worship. I explained that worship to me is through my dancing. There is so much passion when a worship leader leads a congregation in singing praises. That same passion that comes from their mouth is what I feel in movement. Dance to me is not just moving around in pretty little circles and leaps but its a heart thing. This song makes me want to worship and express with my whole being what I long for. It is truly my passion and desire right now because I feel so much longing to be near the Lord and in His presence. That's what this fast is supposed to do right?? ;) Anyways, I hope you can worship through this song. Perhaps you don't watch the video but just simply play the song. I think you'll get a lot out of this song no matter what way you listen to it. 

A hui kaua.......

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