Sunday, January 19, 2014

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014

Just when you were getting used to writing 2013, they go and change the numbers on ya!! This thing seems to happen every year. ;) Goodbye 2013!! Time to move on and welcome 2014.

January 1st, 2014. So many things run through your mind when you think of starting a new year.  
The beginning.  
A new season. 
Hitting the restart button. 
Looking ahead.
Excited for what's to come. 

Each year, there are different obstacles and struggles we are faced with. We were never promised a life void of these things. We were promised in every circumstance, in every trial, in every hard time, we are not alone. We have someone fighting for us. We have a provider. We have a solid rock to hold tight to and He will never let go of us. As I look back on 2013 and move forward into 2014, I am confident that the trials this year brought will bring testimony of God's goodness and faithfulness in our lives. John 16:33 says, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." We can walk into 2014 with assurance and peace that He has already overcome!! If that's not good news, man, I don't know what is.

At the beginning of December, I began praying for this new year and for what the Lord had for me personally, and us as a family. For starters, I felt the nudge to exit stage left with Facebook. I could tell it had become a crutch for me and I found myself sitting on there instead of spending my time in other areas that needed my attention. That leads me to my next desire for this New Year. The first Sunday I was back in the States at our home church, they played a song called To Be Like You by Hillsong (You can listen to that song here). The bridge in this song says,
"Jesus, Jesus
All I want is to be like you"  
For a while now I have felt my heart being pulled towards something GREATER. I can't necessarily put words to what I mean by that. All I can say is that I feel a nudge in my spirit to seek the Fathers heart and "be like Him". I know that sounds very cliche but I'm not really sure how else to explain it. I'm not happy with a mediocre relationship with Jesus and I want a deeper understanding of Him and His power in my life.

That leads me to my one word for this year. Like I said previously, I started praying in the beginning of December for this new year. Asking for my one word was a part of those prayers. Contentment is the word I received. My one word might sound a bit contradictory from what I have just explained in the above paragraph. However, let me shine some light on how this word fits perfectly for me this year.

The meaning of contentment is:
1. Mentally or emotionally satisfied with things as they are.
2. Assenting to or willing to accept circumstances, a proposed course of action, etc
3. Peace of mind; mental or emotional satisfaction

I stated previously that I've been feeling a pull on my heart for something greater. So how in the world does the nudge on my heart and this word coincide with one another?!?!!! Allow me to take you back about a year and half. When we arrived in Grenada, I was totally ready to leave Matt here and stay in NC while he did his thing with school. I resisted getting comfortable, I refused to find *anything* good about this island, and all I wanted was to go home (which....I told Matt that about a dozen times a day.....). I'm sure I could play those feelings off as "pregnancy hormones" but y'all, there's just no way that was the case. Bottom line, I was throwing a pitty party and everyone was invited to leave me alone. Sometime around the beginning of our second term here (Spring 2013), I knew something had to change. Either I could change my circumstances OR I could change my outlook. Obviously, the first part was not going to happen any time soon. So, I started praying and, boy oh boy!! Did I pray HARD!! God knew the desires of my heart even if I had lost sight of those. I am so thankful that He has so much mercy and grace over us because with all my complaining, I'm surprised God didn't turn off the phone lines to Him. I'm sure He was having a deja vu moment of the Israelites wondering in the desert (haha....). ;)

But I digress. I returned in September with a mindset to actively strive for a better attitude about being here. Having the opportunity to teach and take classes at a local studio downtown has helped. A lot. Yes, I am a mommy to a beautiful little girl but before that little girl came into our lives, I was a dancer and still am. Being in my element while living abroad has given me back a feeling of purpose. As 2013 was coming to a close, I knew I needed/wanted to keep this positive mindset front and center. We have just made it to our half way mark of living in Grenada. For the next nine to ten months (give or take), we will be living here. That is too much time waisted comparing myself to others, or, constantly wishing for something "better".

So, now that you have the back story, let me catch you up to now. The Lord has used my circumstances to shine light on where He wants to take me. I am not ok with sitting back and not moving forward. Being content with where He has planted me will allow for the growth He has planned. I will never grow if I am constantly comparing myself to others or wishing for something I think is "better". The Lord has us here for a reason and a purpose. Those reasons are *not* just for Matt's schooling. I am as big of a part of this story as he is. So, I cannot allow mediocrity, comparison, and "better" to run my thoughts. Being content with where the Lord has me is the *only* way to grow.

I will be content with this journey. I will be content to grow where God has planted me. I will be content in His ways, plans, and purposes for me. I will be content in my circumstances so that HE gets ALL the glory, honor, and praise

"For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." ~ Isaiah 43:19 ~

"For we live by faith, not by sight." ~ 2 Corinthians 5:7 ~   

A hui kaua........

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Praying Circles

Life can throw us some *crazy* curve balls. What's so awesome is that no matter how crazy that curve ball might be to us, it's not crazy to God. I believe, very strongly, that our Heavenly Father *does not* make bad things happen to us. Y'all, we live in a fallen world that sin inhabits. (I'm not going to go into a "This is the end!! Get ready people!!" speech. Freak not.) However, God is *still* God and He is *STILL* on His throne. No matter how crazy things can get in our lives, HE is still the one who is sovereign. (Sovereign = over-reigns. God over-reigns our lives. Amen!!) While home over the summer, our lives got pretty *crazy*. We got thrown that "curve ball" with some news about my little sister, Abigail.

*The four siblings together this past summer at our "little" brothers high school graduation.*

Let me preface this with saying that Abbey is absolutely my hero. If I had gone to a public school when I was younger and had to write one of those "Who's your hero and why?" papers, you can bet that she would be who I would write about!! When she was four years old, Abigail was diagnosed with RP (Retinitis Pigmentosa). It is an eye disease in which there is damage to the retina. RP is a degenerative disorder and can cause complete blindness. The best way I've heard my mom explain it was "very bad tunnel vision." Her eyes don't adjust to light and dark like a healthy eye would. Think about when you walk from a dark movie theater to a bright sunny day. It takes a minute for your eyes to adjust, right?? Abbey's eyes have trouble adjusting from one extreme to the next. The doctors that my parents went to, told them that Abbey would be completely blind by the age of 12. Of course, news like that is extremely hard to swallow. Today, my sister still has some of her sight. That fact I give all the praise and glory to God for. There are six years between Abbey and me. Trying to understand that my little sister had this disease was hard for me to fully understand. Over the next several years, Abbey learned how to do life in a different way from the rest of us. I only remember a few times when she genuinely got upset, fed up, and mad that this had happened to her. She didn't want to walk around with a cane to help her know where things were. She didn't want other kids to laugh at her and wonder "What's wrong with that girl?" She couldn't understand WHY she had to be this way. It wasn't until an amazing missions trip to New Zealand and Australia for an entire summer that she began to understand, just a little, why. At 12 years old, she was the youngest student to go on this trip with Teen Mania's Global Expeditions. While there, the Lord did an amazing work in her heart. She realized that with her disability, she could reach so many people by just talking about how the Lord was working in her (Of course there is *so* much to this trips story but for the sake of time, I will not go into all those details.). When she returned, there was one statement that stuck out about her story. She said, "The Lord showed me that I was made for a purpose and that there was no mistake with how He created me. After all, I don't have to see all the crap in the world that everyone else does." There was a saying that the group took on as their "battle cry," so to speak. "Kia Kaha" is a Maouri saying that means "Be bold, Be strong." They took this saying as "Be bold in your faith, Be strong in the Lord." She has "Kia Kaha" tattooed on her wrist to always remind her of that. That trip was such a turning point in her life that she went back the next summer!! Abbey grasped Jesus' great love for her on that trip. RP was the "curve ball" to her life but knowing who you are in Jesus?? That's a home run hit off a curve ball!! :) (I'm totally not a baseball fan haha but I'm going to keep going with this curve ball idea!!)

*A high school senior picture of Abbey in her element. Picture taken by Laura Johnson.* 

*Picture taken by Candice Corbin*

Fast forward about seven years and you will see that not only has she gone after what the Lord has called her to do but she has done it in absolute abandonment and trust in Him!! After Abigail graduated high school, she got accepted to Appalachian State University in Boone, NC, for Audio Engineering and Production (Yes y'all, that is recording and producing music. "But how can a blind girl do that?!" Let me tell ya, this girl can!!) Through the music department at App, she has traveled to Ireland to learn about Irish music, and all last summer, she lived *BY HERSELF* in NYC interning with a music production studio (If you ever get the chance to meet her, ask her how much she likes the D train ;). Did I mention that she lives on her own?? That doesn't really surprise me but it might surprise you. ;) Oh!! And let me *not* leave out Alexa!! Alexa is her sidekick, best friend, cuddle buddy, and partner-in-crime. In other words, her beautiful black lab guide dog. :) While in NYC, she found a joy for running. There is a group called Achilles International who helps people with all kinds of disabilities enjoy athletics. She got in touch with this group and started running. This past March, my little sister Abigail, ran the NYC St. Patty's Day Marathon. And yes, she ran the whole way!! When I *finally* saw a picture of her crossing the finish line, I cried tears of joy while repeating, "That's my sister. THAT'S my sister!! That's MY sister!!" Seeing the excitement on her face of knowing the *huge* accomplishment she just achieved was priceless.

*Running and finishing the NYC St. Patty's Day race*

*Alexa, the amazing guide dog. Photo taken by Katherine Freshwater.*
*Love and affection from your companion. Photo taken by Katherine Freshwater*

You will never hear Abbey complain about her disability. In fact, you will hear the exact opposite. You will hear her boasting about what The Lord has done in her life and how in every circumstance, He has always been right there for her. This past summer, we got some news that would rock our worlds. For the past year, she has been suffering from extremely itchy skin. No dermatologist could figure out exactly what it was or why. Night and day, she was just plain itchy. I could somewhat sympathize with her because I suffer from Eczema. However, she did not have Eczema, or any other skin disease. On July 1, 2013, Abbey was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. I questioned God for why this was happening to her. I was so mad that she, of *all* people, had gotten such news. I was crushed, irritated, floored, and completely baffled. BUT (there's always a "but") the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart something that I will always hold on to. "Jo, I did not make this happen to her. I give life, not death. Yes, God has allowed this to happen but He has already won this battle for her. No weaponed formed against her will prosper. When she was diagnosed with RP, remember how I won?? Remember how a negative situation brought glory to My name?? What may seem as a negative moment to you, is a moment for Me to show my power. This is out of your hands. I am healer, I am redeemer, I AM!! Rest in me, Jo. Rest in me." And that I have. Ever since that sobbing phone call, I have looked to the One that can heal her and I have not once questioned His power. 

*Abbey and I at one of her chemo treatments.*

*Rebecca and Abbey*

There is a book that my MIL gave me called The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson (If you want a *great* read, go pick up this book!!) It is about "praying circles around you biggest dreams and greatest fears." Batterson writes about how our miracle is just a prayer away. When we pray prayers of uncertainty, we question if God *can* do what we are asking. The Lord told the Israelites to circle around Jericho once a day for six days. On the seventh day, they were to circle the city seven times and on then shout. Not only that, they were to not talk for the entire week. Now, lets be honest, don't ya think Joshua was probably like, " what God?????" Here's the thing, it doesn't matter how *CRAZY* God's plan sounds to us. It's HIS plan and HE'S got it taken care of!! All we have to do is circle the promises HE has for us!! Come on, how good is that y'all!! I started reading this book shortly after Abbey was diagnosed. Since then, I have been drawing prayer circles around her. God has promised to heal her. All we have to do is accept the miracle of the battle He has already won over her. 

Last week, Abigail got *great news* from her doctor. "A week ago I had received some encouraging information with regards to my Hodgkins Lymphoma. Results from the PET scan a number of weeks ago showed that I was cancer free, I wouldn't have to do radiation, and that I would be completely the last three of my chemo treatments to get rid of the mass in my upper torso." Talk about joyous news!! Talk about being diligent in that prayer circle!! The day she told me, I was crying, laughing, shaking, and jumping around all at the same time. Haha!! Her doctor told my mom that we could not have asked for a better scan. Praise Jesus!! A week later, however, those joyous feelings would turn to confusion again. Abbey posted, "Yesterday when going in for my 5/8 treatment I received much different news from my oncologist. It appears that there was some confusion in the news I had originally received. Although the PET scan shows great results (very minimal metabolic activity from where we found the cancer) it's impossible to say whether or not I am "cancer free." At this time, radiation isn't off the table, and I am considering my options. I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed, but I continue to find my strength through my good Creator, finding joy in the life He gives me abundantly." I do not receive this as a failed attempt. I do not receive this as more bad news. I receive this as another opportunity for God to show His power in her life and through this cancer.
I am back in my prayer circle, circling Abbey. I am not there reluctantly, you can bet on that. Spending time in His presence is not a chore. Spending time interceding for those around you, for those you don't even know why they are on your heart, for those right beside you and far away, spending time praying circles around those situations boosts your faith in the Lord. There is *no way* that the Israelites faith was *not* magnified by the middle of the week. They had to be feeling something, thinking, "God, you're gonna do something big. You are going to show up in a mighty way. Lord, YOU have already won this for us. This is going to be amazing!!" No way they questioned Him by that point!! Surely their faith was multiplied that week. This diagnosis of cancer has not made me question whether God is good or if He can do what He says He will. No, this *crazy* curve ball has magnified my prayer life and faith in my Creator through watching Abigail have to go through this. She is one amazing young woman and absolutely my hero. 

A hui kaua....

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I'M BACK!!!!!!......Maybe???

No one said I was any good at this blogging thing so I'm glad I've been able to live up to their expectations. ;) I know I've been pretty MIA since we left Grenada for the summer. However, we are back on this little island and I reckon I should catch everyone up on what's going on in our lives. So, here it goes!! :)

We have made it through midterms!! Hallelujah!! That means just a few short weeks left before we get to go home for Christmas. :) Matt did really good on all his tests. There was one class he was rather frustrated with, however. He didn't make the score he was hoping for and it kind of had him in a funk for a couple of days. I know he beats himself up too much if he doesn't get an A. I think he's coming to terms with being alright with anything lower than that. Matt has done SOOOO well this year. I know he's itching to start applying everything they are learning in the classroom. I can tell he get's pretty excited when they go to the farm (aka, the vet clinic where they not only have your house pets but also horses, cows, goats, and whatever other larger animals). The other day, they learned how to bandage a horses leg. He was excited to tell E and I about it when he got home. :) Since we are half way through his third term, I can say that we are *almost* half way through our stay here in Grenada. After his finals in December, I know that I can officially say that for sure. ;) Until then, I'm just happy to know he is doing so well and enjoying life here!!

As for E and I, life has changed quite a bit from this time last year. First of all, E is actually here and not still growing in my tummy haha!! I have looked at several pictures of this time last year and then today. Here's a few for your enjoyment. :)

*Here I am at 7 months pregnant on our 1 year anniversary*

*Here we are just a couple weeks ago. E is just over 10 months now!! Wow!!*

*Such a beauty!! Her eyes are so gorgeous. Love this little girl!!*

*And one more just because she's just so darn cute!! ;)*
Our daily schedule is has become somewhat of a routine. E is such a great sleeper. She sleeps from 7:30pm-7:30am. Its awesome!! There have only been a few times where she wakes up. Those moments have been because she's teething, I believe. She is crawling and pulling up on *everything*. Such a little cruiser!! She enjoys trying to get into the fridge when dad or I open it. ;) It seems like a game to her. We made a choice before she was born to not give her any sweet stuff (like ice cream, cookies, chocolate, etc) before she is two years old. I feel these first few years of life are very important in her nutrition and don't think filling her with tons of sugar is the right way to go for us. There will be plenty of time for that when she is bit older. :) With all the fresh fruit and veggies we have here, it's hard to not give her a more healthier option. I already make everything from scratch. Why would I change her diet?? :) Haha!! She is a good eater. Just about whatever we are eating, we give to her also. She is still getting formula on a regular basis but she also enjoys some yogurt with daddy, bananas, rice, mangoes, applesauce, potatoes, noodles, and anything else we try. It's funny to watch her facial expressions when she tries something for the first time. :) She is quite the ham and has such a personality. I know it sounds cliche but she truly shines so much light into our lives every day. How can you get upset when that little smile is staring up at you?? :)

I started teaching at a local study downtown. This was a complete God opportunity and I'm SO thankful for it!! I am teaching two days a week. Thursdays I teach a class of 9-10 year olds ballet. There are twenty one students in that class!! Talk about overload!! Hahaha!! It's been great fun though. They are great kids and I think they enjoy having a "white" teacher. ;) My favorite part about the entire class is at the end. After I give an ending exercise, they all run up and surround me in a hug. It's so precious!! Several of them hold on for longer and say "This might take a while. I just need a hug." :) Just warms my heart!! The second class I teach is the highest level, ages high school and up. There are only about twelve students in that class. I also teach that same level pointe on Fridays. On top of these classes, I am teaching two others. On Mondays, I teach a class of 3-5 year olds. These are kids of students who are attending SGU. Just this past week, they all got pink leotards with matching pink skirts and leg warmers. Oh my gracious, they are so cute!! I think they are having fun. We've only met a few times but I think they are doing well for never taking a dance class before now. I also have a boy in that class!! Yippee!!!! :) He's the oldest so I'm trying to make sure he really enjoys it. And then on Tuesdays I teach a private lesson to another students child. She's also never taken a dance class before but she is doing very well. I know how boring the basics can be for learning dance so I'm trying to make both of these classes enjoyable. Hopefully they all will return to the states and want to continue dancing. That's my goal. ;) I'm very proud of each of them and how hard they are all working. It's so nice to have a creative outlet here!! Now you know I DO more than just go to the beach and pool. ;)

One more thing before I leave you. This past Monday was our second wedding anniversary. Matt made arrangements for us to have a night "away" on Saturday. Our friends, John and Nicole, watched E for us over night. All day Saturday we spent at this really nice hotel called Grenada Grand. They have a gorgeous pool with two waterfalls. We relaxed, swam, drank some bloody mary's, and ate a yummy lunch all while soaking up some sun and much needed time together.

We checked into the place we were staying, Maca Bana, around 3:00 that afternoon. Maca Bana is right around the corner from our house, past the airport. Its a resort with private villas. Our villa was at the top of the hill and over looked St. George's and the whole east side of the island. Oh my!! Was it spectacular!! At 4, Matt had requested a massage for me. The lady showed up right before then and set up her table on the back balcony. It was so relaxing!! We then ate dinner at The Aquarium Restaurant which was at the bottom of the hill. I got the lobster and Matt got the tuna. Tasty tasty!! For dessert, we shared a death my chocolate cake and drank mimosas on the balcony back at our villa. On Sunday after checking out, we came home to hang out. It started out as a very overcast and cloudy day. I was NOT complaining about that!!! Sometimes you just need a break from the heat. :) Matt wanted to get some cleaning done (I wasn't going to complain!!) and I wanted to paint my nails. For dinner that night, we ate at a little French bistro called Le Chateau. We had a great time together!!

*At Aquarium for dinner on Saturday*
*At Le Chateau for dinner on Sunday*

*Our view from the villa*

*First Anniversary*
*Second Anniversary, holding the picture from our first* 

A hui kaua.....

Monday, June 3, 2013

Home is...

Well, we have been home in NC for a little over a week now. And oh!! How AWESOME it feels to be back!! This past week has been extremely busy with seeing our friends and introducing little Ms. E to everyone for the *first* time. Everyone keeps saying the same three things: "Those eyes!!!", "She's so tan......she's darker than I am!!", and "Your pictures make her look so BIG!! She's so tiny!!!" ;) She absolutely keeps stealing the show.

I am very happy that our travel home went smoothly. As most of you know, we have a one year old German Shepard named Nutmeg. We have had quite the headache of dealing with an infestation of ticks from our house and yard in Grenada. It was decided that we needed to get Nutmeg out of that yard and get these ticks under control. So, we knew we had to bring her home with us for the summer. The airlines do not allow animals below the plane after a certain time of the year. Basically, the beginning of May through August or September sometime. It's just too hot. Therefore!! Nutmeg had to ride with us inside the plane. There we are, bright and early showing up at the airport, six bags, one dog, and baby. Yes, we were quite the show. ;) Thankfully Matt's aunt had helped us buy our tickets home and we were able to get *first class seats*!!!!! Lemme tell ya, it was soooooooooo nice. ;) We were seated in the first row of seats and therefore had a ton of room. Before we left, it was arranged that I would take care of E and Matt would take care of Nutmeg. Everything went absolutely smoothly!! I was a bit nervous of how E would do with take off and landing so I had planned on having a bottle ready in those moments. However!!! I didn't even need them!! She did great. She passed out right before we took off from Grenada, was awake some during the flight, then took another nap and woke up right before we landed in Miami. The pressure change didn't seem to bother her even when I was swallowing to pop my own ears. :) Everyone on the plane commented how well she and Nutmeg did. Both flights were just like this. Not a problem!! It was a llllllllooooooonnnnnnngggggg day but well worth our arrival.

When we walked off the plan in Raleigh, I had the biggest smile on my face!! We came around the corner where we were meeting everyone and was surprised with a big sign that our *awesome* small group had made welcoming E to the US. It was fabulous. E met her Pop Pop (Matt's dad) for the first time. He was absolutely delighted to see her. :) From Raleigh to Wilmington is about 2-2.5 hours. THAT was the longest part of our journey!!! I couldn't wait to get to Wilmington!! We had been up since 4:30 that morning and arrived at my parents house at 1:30 Sunday morning. Like I said, long day. Haha.

So, since we've arrived, it's been introductions and dinners, dinners and introductions. It's so good to see our friends again and catch up on the last 10 months. Although the time has passed, it seems like we've been able to pick up right where we left. Of course kids are graduating, summer is here again, birthdays have come and gone, but all in all, our relationships have picked up right where we left off. Matt and I have had to get used to having A/C all the time now. I know that sounds funny but it's so true!! We are used to only having it at night and then hanging around in our bathing suits the rest of the day. It's actually nice to have to get up a little bit earlier to take a *hot* shower and get yourself ready to go somewhere. Don't worry, Matt still hangs around the house without a shirt on. ;-p I'm not sure we will ever be able to break him of that. I have a feeling E will some how pick up this habit. Oh wait!!! She already hangs out in only a diaper!!! Hahaha!!!

That's basically been our first week home and E's first week in the US. There are lots of things planned for this summer so I will do my best to keep you updated on our adventures. :)

A hui kaua.....

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Going home - TODAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!

It's bright and early here in Grenada. Even the sun doesn't want to wake up yet. But it's ok because..........I'm headed NORTH to the land of the pines. We'll make it UP the coast in about 17 hours and I'll be looking to pick me a bouquet of Dogwood flowers!!!!!

THE day has arrived!!!!!! We leave at 8:40am and will arrive in Raleigh at 7:10pm tonight!!!!!!!!! I told you I had one more song for you and here it is. If you couldn't figure out from my opening sentences what it is, I give you "Wagon Wheel" by Old Crow Medicine Show. Saw them play this live when I was living in MS. We're headed to North Caroline y'all!!!!! See you in a few hours!!!!!


A hui kaua....

Friday, May 24, 2013

Going home - TOMORROW!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, it is officially Christmas Eve in May!! It's still the 24 so why not right?? :) Tomorrow morning, *bright and early*, we will be leaving our little house and life here in Grenada and start the day long journey HOME to NC!!!! I'm really hoping that we'll get some sleep tonight. The excitement is more than I can handle!!! If it's not packed by tonight, oh well. Guess I can get whatever I need back home. :)

I will be sending you one more song before we leave tomorrow morning so don't think this is the last song. I know you've all been enjoying these little pieces of entertainment. ;) For your second to last countdown song I give you Eric Church singing "Carolina." Carolina is CERTAINLY calling me home!!


A hui kaua...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Going home in - 2 DAYS!!

Life is pretty crazy around here. Trying to finalize packing everything up. When we moved down here, our entire life consisted of six suit cases, four carry on bags, and five boxes we shipped down. When we return, we will be moving into a different house (that's directly behind us so not far) so we have to have everything packed up and ready to move over there before we leave. Thankfully we have our current house rented through the summer and we also know the girls who will be moving in so we will just leave our things packed up here until we return.

Carrying on with just two more days of song countdowns!! This song has been running through my head so much lately because it's just so catchy. :) Here is Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros playing "Home." Home is wherever I'm with you!! :)


A hui kaua...